To be a person, to be someone. The limits of Hegelian institutionalism


  • Catherine Colliot-Thélène Université de Rennes 1



Hegel, Philosophy of Right, Institutionalism, Intersubjectivity


It’s generally accepted that Hegel’s political philosophy is institucionalist to the extent that he is not satisfied with justifying the necessity of a political body and exposes its complex articulations with care and precision. While some authors, like Axel Honneth, for example, consider his institucionalism excessive, I think, otherwise, that Hegel’s interest for the concretude of institutions shows the force of his political philosophy. I argue that we can find in Principles of the Philosophy of Right, in two different levels, the traces of a discrete reflection on the limits of the institutionalizable: that of abstract right, object of the first section, and that of the ethical life, which occupies the second one.


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How to Cite

Colliot-Thélène, C. (2014). To be a person, to be someone. The limits of Hegelian institutionalism. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 19(1), 35-61.