“Does men have reason or does reason have men?”: A Relationship Between Mediate Knowledge (Understanding) and Immediate Knowledge (Belief) in F. H. Jacobi’s Philosophy





F. H. Jacobi, Monism, Idealism, Nihilism


The purpose of this text is to show the difference between two conceptions of reason according to F. H. Jacobi. On the one hand, we find a speculative, mediated reason as a synonym for understanding, and on the other hand, an immediate, revelatory reason as a synonym for belief. These two faculties express two opposite yet inseparable aspects of man: sensible and suprasensible, conditioned and unconditioned. Jacobi shows why it is impossible to attain an intellectual knowledge of the suprasensible (a natural philosophy of the suprasensible), which is sought above all by philosophies that claim to be systematic represented here by monism (philosophies of a single principle). Jacobi, on the contrary, establishes that there is indeed a knowledge of the suprasensible, but in which the understanding does not take part.


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Author Biography

  • Juliana Ferraci Martone, Universidade de São Paulo




Jacobi, F. H. (1998-2007). [JWA] Werke. Gesamtausgabe, hrsg. von Klaus Hammacher, Walter Jaeschke. Hamburg/Stuttgart: Meiner; Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann- Holzboog.

Vol. 1,1: Schriften zum Spinozastreit; 1,2: Anhang, hrsg. von Klaus Hammacher, Irmgard-Maria Piske, 1998.

Vol. 2,1: Schriften zum Transzendentalen Idealismus; 2,2: Anhang, hrsg. von Walter Jaeschke, Irmgard-Maria Piske, unter Mitarbeit von Catia Goretzki, 2004.

Vol. 3: Schriften zum Streit um die gottlichen Dinge und ihre Offenbarung und Anhang, hrsg. von Walter Jaeschke, 2000.

Vol. 5,1: Kleine Schriften II (1787-1817), hrsg. von Catia Goretzki, Walter Jaeschke, 2007.

Jacobi, F. H. (2017). [JBW] Briefwechsel. Gesamtausgabe, begründet von Michael Brüggen und Siegfried Sudhof, hrsg. von Michael Brüggen, Heinz Gockel. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.

Vol. I, 11: Briefwechsel Oktober 1794 bis Dezember 1798, hrsg. von Catia Goretzki, 2017.

Jacobi, F. H. (2021). Sobre a doutrina de Espinosa em cartas ao senhor Moses Mendelssohn. Tradução de Juliana F. Martone. São Paulo: UNICAMP.

Jean Paul (Richter, Friedrich). (1996). Vorschule der Ästhetik In Jean Pauls Werke I/5, Hrsg. v. Eduard Berend. München: Carl Hanser.

Kant, I. (2010). Crítica da razão pura. Lisboa: Calouste Gulbenkian.



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How to Cite

Martone, J. F. (2023). “Does men have reason or does reason have men?”: A Relationship Between Mediate Knowledge (Understanding) and Immediate Knowledge (Belief) in F. H. Jacobi’s Philosophy. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 28(2), 67-75. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v28i2p67-75