Real inversion and ideal inversion: the critique of ideology in The German Ideology




ideology, expression, inversion, camara oscura, division of labor


This article presents the concept of ideology in The German Ideology, by Marx and Engels, based on the relationship between the real inversion generated by the division of labor and the ideological inversion, considering the problem of ideology being characterized as the inversion of the reality of the relations of production at the same time that the expression of these same relations. Through the analysis of the concept, we seek to reassess the importance of the unfinished manuscripts of “I. Feuerbach”, in view of the fact that the most recent bibliographical discussion attributes to the text a minor character when compared to the chapter dedicated to Stirner.


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How to Cite

Zanola, G. (2022). Real inversion and ideal inversion: the critique of ideology in The German Ideology. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 27(2), 69-85.