Rethinking women’s issues from Hannah Arendt’s political thought




Hannah Arendt, Mulheres, Espaço público, Social, Político


We present a new perspective on women’s issues in Hannah Arendt’s thought by arguing that it is useful for feminism or women’s issues when one intends to think about political participation. For this purpose, we first call into question the interpretation of the category of public space in Arendt by the paradigm of model theory, distinctly defended by Bonnie Honig and Seyla Benhabib. Then, also contrary to part of the critical literature, we hold that Arendt's distinction between the social and the political seems to have some meaning for thinking about women’s issues.


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How to Cite

Costa, N. R. da, & Ribeiro, N. J. (2022). Rethinking women’s issues from Hannah Arendt’s political thought. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 27(1), 33-48.