Aspects of the reconstitution of dialectics in Ruy Fausto


  • Renata Guerra Universidade de São Paulo
  • Bruno Serrano Universidade de São Paulo



Marx, Dialectical logic, Critique of political economy, Value theory


The article aims to examine some aspects of the program of reconstitution of dialectics pursued by Ruy Fausto in his interpretation of Marx’s thought. Firstly, it briefly presents the elements of the formation of this program in the Frankfurtian strand of the so-called Neue Marx-Lektüre, initiated in the mid-1960s, an effort to which Fausto associates his theoretical project. Secondly, it discusses three features of his reconstitution of dialectics, namely the position of metaphysics in the theory of capitalism, the function of contradiction, and the freedom interversion process. Finally, it is suggested that through such a concept of interversion Fausto’s program aimed to open itself up to the field of the lived experience, thus seeking to reconnect logic and political practice.


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How to Cite

Guerra, R., & Serrano, B. (2021). Aspects of the reconstitution of dialectics in Ruy Fausto. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 26(2), 111-132.