Democracy as Form of Life: Political Culture and Democratic Ethicity in Axel Honneth


  • Rúrion Melo Universidade de São Paulo



Democratic Ethicity, Form Of Life, Political Culture, Critical Theory Of Democracy


The article intends to analyze the idea of ​​democracy as a form of life based on Axel Honneth’s most recent works. In the first section, I differentiate the normative conception of social democracy developed by Honneth, comparing it to the republican and procedural versions. Then, I analyze how democratic ethicity could be presented in a greater degree of complexity, paying attention to the effectiveness of freedom in three central social spheres: personal relationships, economic interactions and political will formation. It is a matter of paying attention, above all, to the way in which democratic political culture condenses the correlation between different social spheres. I close the article by emphasizing some limits of the reflection provided by the author. On the one hand, systematic phenomena of violence and domination, which in fact endanger a socially effective democracy, are absent from its formulation; on the other hand, the role of social struggles for the differentiated realization of freedom in our political culture is not clear.


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Articles - Special Edition - Axel Honneth

How to Cite

Melo, R. (2020). Democracy as Form of Life: Political Culture and Democratic Ethicity in Axel Honneth: . Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(3), 75-94.