Education on the back of the letter in the Sixth and Seventh Lessons of the Grundzüge (1806)


  • Luciano Carlos Utteich Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná



Doctrine of Knowledge, Education, Spirit, Autonomy


Fichte deals, in the Sixth and Seventh Lessons of the Characteristics of the Present Age [Die Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters, 1806], with an important question concerning the interval between two periods or ages, the third and fourth ages of humanity, in its relation of opposition and complementarity. For him, the time had come to prepare the necessary transition from the third to the fourth age of humanity, since the third represented a false autonomy acquired by the letter (by the press) in relation to the spirit, which was the true source of vitality in human affairs from its initial setting, oral communication. We briefly contextualize the theme of the criteria of reading that the true science of reason presupposes in order to reach the fourth age of humanity, as a requirement that points to the elucidation of this moment before the letter itself (in written or printed discourse) in which oral communication is generated in the dimension of the spirit, as a truly living activity that meets the needs of thought, whether philosophical or literary, in society.


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How to Cite

Utteich, L. C. (2020). Education on the back of the letter in the Sixth and Seventh Lessons of the Grundzüge (1806). Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(2), 193-221.