Beyond legality: law and anti-legalism in the recent critical theory


  • Felipe Gonçalves Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



anti-legalism, democracy, recognition, Axel Honneth, Jürgen Habermas


William Scheuerman finds a vigorous “anti-legalist” tendency in recent critical theory, which jeopardizes the democratic rule of law as the main normative basis and practical field for emancipatory struggles. According to him, this tendency finds in Axel Honneth one of its greatest exponents and represents a rupture with Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms in favor of an orientation contrary to the law that feeds social criticism since Marx’s times. Starting from the objections to anti-legalism, I would like to explore its possible meanings in Axel Honneth's recent work, the lines of continuity with this former theoretical background, and the motives of its vindication regarding the persistence and vitality of social criticism.


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Articles - Special Edition - Axel Honneth

How to Cite

Silva, F. G. (2020). Beyond legality: law and anti-legalism in the recent critical theory. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(3), 113-136.