The Slight Adjust of Method: Normative Reconstruction and Socialist Experimentalism in Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory


  • Luiz Repa Universidade de São Paulo



Axel Honneth, reconstruction, socialism, Critical Theory, method


The article proposes a line of interpretation on the connection between method and politics in Axel Honneth’s thought, particularly concerning his proposal of renewing the idea of socialism. In the first section, it seeks to show that Honneth makes use of the Habermasian notion of rational reconstruction to recreate a unity of normative foundation and social analysis within this tradition. In doing so, Honneth can reshape the history of Critical Theory as a succession of reconstructive models. In the second section, I try to reconstitute Honneth’s notion of reconstruction from its first uses to the most systematic formulations found in Freedom’s Right. In the last section, I address the socialist experimentalism proposed by Honneth highlighting the displacement of the meaning of method in his theory. In general, the article argues that Honneth’s socialist project encompasses a thought-provoking political innovation which, on the other hand, must pay the price of a higher degree of abstraction in the methodological level.


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Articles - Special Edition - Axel Honneth

How to Cite

Repa, L. . (2020). The Slight Adjust of Method: Normative Reconstruction and Socialist Experimentalism in Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory : . Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 25(3), 95-112.