The Hegelian response to the problem of the criterion


  • Ediovani Antônio Gaboardi Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul



problem of the criterion, Hegel, fenomenological exposition


This article addresses the problem of the criterion, defined as the circularity between demonstration and criterion, in the Phenomenology of spirit. Hegel uses this problem to criticize Kantian epistemology, accusing it of succumbing to the skeptic Trilema and denying to justification its primary role of attesting the truth. Hegel deals with the criterion problem through phenomenological exposition, a form of demonstration that starts from provisional criteria, assumed by the pretensions of knowledge in dispute. In addition, Hegel denies the legitimacy of the requirement of a justification criterion that is not contained in the content to be evaluated.


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How to Cite

Gaboardi, E. A. (2019). The Hegelian response to the problem of the criterion. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 24(2), 71-86.