Humboldt and the creation of the German research university model


  • Ricardo Ribeiro Terra Universidade de São Paulo



Wilhelm von Humboldt, Inseparability of research and teaching, Research university, Technology


The precise conception of a Humboldtian university is still a matter in dispute. In the constant crisis and transformations underwent by these institutions, the Humboldtian conception is frequently mentioned as an argument by opposed parts. In this paper, I will take up the following lines of argumentation: (1) an examination of the cultural and political necessities on the background of the creation of a university in Berlin; (2) a demonstration of how Wilhelm von Humboldt planned the coordinated reform of the entire Prussian teaching and research network; (3) explain how, during this process, the new research university that takes technology into account was created.


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How to Cite

Terra, R. R. (2019). Humboldt and the creation of the German research university model. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 24(1), 133-150.