Towards a political critique of capitalism – beyond Rahel Jaeggi


  • José Ivan Rodrigues de Sousa Filho Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



critique of capitalism, critical theory, Rahel Jaeggi, political critique, economic heteronomy


In this paper, I underline the renewal of the critique of capitalism by contemporary critical theorists Albena Azmanova, Nancy Fraser and Rahel Jaeggi (1). Then, I highlight that what distinguishes Rahel Jaeggi is a metatheoretical elaboration aimed at ethically deepening the functional and moral dimensions of the critique of capitalism (2). Finally, I maintain that, Rahel Jaeggi’s achievements notwithstanding, politically furthering the critique of capitalism is necessary to show how capitalism is, rather than a purely economic, economically ineluctable order, a political-economic arrangement that both casts a spell on the capitalist relations of production and naturalizes economic heteronomy (3).


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How to Cite

Sousa Filho, J. I. R. de. (2017). Towards a political critique of capitalism – beyond Rahel Jaeggi. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 22(4), 63-83.