Amor mundi and the revolutionary spirit: Hannah Arendt between politics and ethics


  • Igor Vinícius Basílio Nunes Universidade de Campinas



love, politics, world, ethics, revolution.


This article outlines some interpretive contours of the expression "amor mundi" in Hannah Arendt’s theoretical formulations, especially in contact with the work On Revolution. The text follows, therefore, some possible definitions of these three terms – “love”, “world” and “revolution” - in an attempt not only to clarify the meanings of Arendt’s political emblem, but also to defend the right balance between "responsibility for the political world" legacy to men and the "care of the moral self ". In a few words, the proposal is to suggest a way of interpretation not only political about amor mundi, but also in respect with ethics and the revolutionary spirit.



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How to Cite

Nunes, I. V. B. (2016). Amor mundi and the revolutionary spirit: Hannah Arendt between politics and ethics. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 21(3), 67-78.