Foucault’s critical philosophy: a refusal of the transcendental?


  • Carolina de Souza Noto Universidade de São Paulo



critical philosophy, transcendental, Foucault, Kant.


The present article aims to maintain that, in Foucault, there is a critical philosophy that cannot be understood exactly on the same terms as Kant’s critical philosophy. Even though Foucault’s critical philosophy investigates the conditions in which knowledge is possible, such conditions are not transcendental possibility conditions, as they are in Kant. Foucault’s critical interest is not on the universal subjective conditions that, generally speaking, make true knowledge possible, but on the singular conditions that make it so that, at a specific period, a field of knowledge can exist. In this sense, we can say that the Foucault’s critical philosophy is a reversal of the Kant’s critical philosophy.


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How to Cite

Noto, C. de S. (2015). Foucault’s critical philosophy: a refusal of the transcendental?. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 20(2), 121-137.