The child and the “announced death”: considerations about analytical listening in pediatric oncology


  • Flora Corrêa Guimarães Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Caciana Linhares Pereira Universidade Federal do Ceará



psychoanalysis, hospital, medical speech, child, death


The article presents a process of elaboration that comes from listening to children in health institutions – in particular, cancer treatment institutions – fundamentally questioning the child’s experience of death. By problematizing the incidences of medical discourse in the child’s experience and the contributions offered by analytical listening, the article aims to contribute to the interlocution between Psychoanalysis and the field of Health, sustaining a look at what is singular, especially in the context of “announced death”, to the detriment of the sick subject taken purely as a biological organism.


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Author Biographies

  • Flora Corrêa Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Ceará
    Departamento de Psicologia
  • Caciana Linhares Pereira, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Departamento de Psicologia e Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia



How to Cite

Guimarães, F. C., & Pereira, C. L. (2018). The child and the “announced death”: considerations about analytical listening in pediatric oncology. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 23(2), 242-261.