Death drive in the first Ferenczi: a quiet state, regression, and the beginnings of psychic life

a quiet state, regression, and the beginnings of psychic life




Ferenczi, death drive, regression, quietness


This article seeks to present and discuss Ferenczi's use of the idea of a death drive in the 1910s. We present the history and context of the use of the idea among the first psychoanalysts, and then argue that Ferenczi's first hypothesis on the death instinct sought to relate a stage of unconditional omnipotence, characteristic, in his view, of intrauterine life, with an original state of quietness, a tendency to regression and a conception of primitive narcissism. We then compare each one of these aspects with the Freudian theory. In conclusion, we make a critical analysis of the hypothesis using the ideas of other authors.




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Author Biographies

  • Eugênio Canesin Dal Molin, Centro Universitário Filadélfia (Unifil)

    Psicanalista. Membro-fundador do Grupo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Sándor Ferenczi. Professor Doutor do Centro Universitário Filadélfia (Unifil), Londrina, PR, Brasil.

  • Nelson Ernesto Coelho Junior, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia

    Psicanalista. Professor Doutor do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (IP-USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

  • Renata Udler Cromberg, Instituto Sedes Sapientiae

    Psicanalista do Departamento de Psicanálise do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae. Pós-doutora pelo Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Dal Molin, E. C., Coelho Junior, N. E., & Cromberg, R. U. (2019). Death drive in the first Ferenczi: a quiet state, regression, and the beginnings of psychic life: a quiet state, regression, and the beginnings of psychic life. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 24(2), 231-245.