Descartes and a possible politics: the analysis of the man of experience


  • Beatriz Laporta Universidade de São Paulo



Descartes, Politics, Affection, Subject, Man


The authors of Descartes’ Readings divide the Cartesian production by associating subjects with texts, that is, the parts of the “tree of knowledge” with his works. If we agree with the division, we will also agree that Descartes did not write a specific work on politics. But this does not mean that we cannot find in this philosopher reflections on the relationship that men (and not just substances) establish among themselves. Thus, to think “politics” in Descartes is to see that man is treated on the basis of “substantial union”, as a man of experience full of passions and affections. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the hypothesis that either through the project of reaching the truths in philosophy or through the “affectivity” it is not possible to consider the Cartesian subject as isolated, which is contrary to a reductionism of the Cartesian theory to the purely thinking subject of the second meditation.


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How to Cite

Laporta, B. (2021). Descartes and a possible politics: the analysis of the man of experience. Cadernos Espinosanos, 44, 177-198.

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