


Hobbes, Causality, Mechanism, Necessitarianism, Materialism, God


The purpose of this article is to show the reasons, present
in Hobbes’ philosophy, that force us to conclude that God, as sufficient
reason that necessitate the entire causal chain, is incompatible with the
mechanistic system presented by Hobbes in works such as Concerning
body [1655-6] and Leviathan [1651]. For this, I present the foundations of
Hobbes’ doctrine of causality, as well as its connection with the mechanical
causal influx of nature, with the aim of showing that: since all that
exists is body, or God must be corporeal and, thus, not be God — i.e.,
does not satisfy the demand of self-sufficient sufficient reason —, or God
is not corporeal and, therefore, does not exist.


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Author Biography

  • Derócio Felipe Perondi Meotti, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

    Master's student in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (PPGFIL) at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS), campus Chapecó, in the research line "Knowledge, Language and Reality". Scolarship of Studing of the Social Demand Program CAPES PPGFIL(Edital N° 762/GR/UFFS/2019). Graduated in Philosophy by the same institution (year of conclusion: 2019). Scholarship of Scientific Iniciation on the project "A Teoria da Obrigação em Thomas Hobbes (The Theory of Obligation in Thomas Hobbes)" (Edital 281/UFFS/2015) between 2015/2 and 2016/1. Scholarship of Scientific Iniciation on the project "Problemas e conceitos-chave de Teoria do conhecimento à luz da Filosofia da linguagem e das linguagens formais (Problems and key concepets of Theory of knowledge of the Philosophy of language and formal languages)" (Edital FAPESC n.° 07/2015), between 2017/2 and 2018/1. He mainly studies topics related to metaphysics, ontology and epistemology from the works of G. W. Leibniz and Immanuel Kant (with enphasis on the unfolding related to the nomological/teleological status of the "principle of sufficient reason").


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