Univocity vs. Duality in Spinoza: Story of a misunderstanding


  • Antonieta Garcia Ruzo Universidad de Buenos Aires




Spinoza, Dualism, Univocity, Infinite, Finite, Ontology, Gnoseology


The following paper addresses the problem of dualism in Spinoza’s
ontology. It aims to briefly reconstruct the story of the discussion around this problem in orderto analyze howthe philosophical tradition
has interpreted the dualities of essence-existence, eternity-duration,
infinite-finite, substance-modes. The goal is to shed light on the inaccuracies
that arise from understanding these as ontological distinctions
as well as from ignoring them entirely. Our proposal is to expose an
interpretation that allows us to claim Spinoza’s duality, in a way that
presents it as a gnoseological duality instead of an ontological one, that
is, to show how the duplicity refers to perspectives or ways in which
humans conceive reality. We believe that, in this way, duality does not
only become compatible with the univocity of being but also provides a
deeper comprehension of the authentic Spinozistic spirit.


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How to Cite

Ruzo, A. G. (2020). Univocity vs. Duality in Spinoza: Story of a misunderstanding. Cadernos Espinosanos, 43, 81-129. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9012.espinosa.2020.166653