Uma educação nada sentimental: a preparação de garotos Wakashu


  • Madalena N. Hashimoto Cordaro Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Departamento de Letras Orientais



Edo period, shunga erotic painting, Tsukioka Settei, wakashu boys, sexual education manual.


The question of professional boys way teaching techniques is focused through the translation of a Tsukioka Settei small manual which contains texts and images. Using the mitate rethorics of parody and taking for object the Conftician works contents aimed at women ways formats, the painter dedicates some compositions centered in the boys sexual body construction theme in townsmen hilarious methods.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    Professora Adjunta da área de Língua e Literatura Japonesa do Departamento de Letras Orientais da FFLCH-USP




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