Reflexões sobre a Literatura Contemporânea na sala de aula: da tradução ao ensino comunicativo da língua.


  • Antonio Marcos Bueno da Silva Junior Unesp/Assis
  • Joy Nascimento Afonso de Souza Unesp/Assis



Japanese contemporary literature, contemporary Japanese authors, literature in the classroom, translation, Japanese language education.


This paper presents a brief reflection on the survey done by the group Research group “Approaches in Studies of Arts, History, Linguistics and Literature Japanese translation and autochthon oral tradition-European”, where there was a significant number of translations of Japanese contemporary works. The most translated authors traced in outline the main characteristics which of we perceive similarities possibly attract by the Brazilian reader. In this addendum to reflect on the application of the literature on the bias of the communicative approach in the teaching and learning of the Japanese language.




  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    Professor-estagiário do Centro de Línguas e Desenvolvimento de Professores (CLDP) da Unesp/Assis
  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    Professora Mestre Assistente da Área de Japonês da Unesp/Assis






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