A presença do Ikebana Ikenobô no Brasil


  • Valderson Cuiabano Silvério de Souza



Mots-clés :

Japanese Culture, Ikenobô Ikebana, Ikebana in Brazil.


Our purpose is to present a chronology about Japanese floral art in Brazil, in special Ikebana Ikenobô s presence. The early registers dated from the Thirties, and said about ikebana classes to the community of Itaquera Colony, in São Paulo. During the IV Centennial of São Paulo (1954), the Japanese Pavilion of Ibirapuera Park opening and the arrival of Floral Art Masters from Japan, spread Ikebana into Brazilian people. The first Ikebana Ikenobô branch in Brazil was settled in 1960 and precedes the Ikebana Association of Brazil. From Ikenobô Kadokai Nambei Shibu was formed three others branches, increasing the influence and contribution of Ikebana in the development of Brazilian floral market and the design of Brazilian-Japanese floral style.






não definida

Comment citer

A presença do Ikebana Ikenobô no Brasil. (2008). Estudos Japoneses, 28, 275-284. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i28.142976