En: do chinês à diversidade conceptual do japonês análise das palavras autóctones do domínio do belo no universo de Genji monogatari


  • Leiko Matsubara Morales



Mots-clés :

conceptual field, lexical field semantic,semantic traces.


This paper is a study on the semantic scope and its main objective is to compare the semantic-conceptual nuances of the logographic word “en” between the Chinese and Japanese languages in the 11th century,when it was the peak of the autochthonous culture’s flourish. We have chosen Genji Monogatari (1006),written by Murasaki Shikibu, as our corpus for its significant occurrences in terms of quantitative numbers (from a total of 71 occurrences in the universe of kanabungaku works in the Heian Period (from 9th to 11th century),57 were concentrated in Genji Monogatari) and qualitative numbers (a more comprehending syntactic distribution,in terms of syntagmatic relation in the sentential context in relation to other Chinese language borrowings). The analysis was done from the semasiological (the structural significance and structurable traces) and onomasiological dimensions (from the sign significance or constitutive concepts, the content expression). We took into account,although briefly, the extralinguistic features (social, cultural,historical and pragmatic contexts) when translating excerpts where “en” is found into Portuguese. We have mapped some previous studies,as well as the meanings registered in archaic Japanese dictionaries in order to analyze in which sense the introduction of this word contributed to the domain of “beauty”.






não definida

Comment citer

En: do chinês à diversidade conceptual do japonês análise das palavras autóctones do domínio do belo no universo de Genji monogatari. (2003). Estudos Japoneses, 23, 23-47. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i23.142912