As condições de aceitação da culinária japonesa na cidade de São Paulo - por que os brasileiros começaram a apreciar a culinária japonesa?


  • Koichi Mori


Mots-clés :

Japanese cuisine ehtnicity, Japanese immigration mores social, economical and cultural change in the city of São Paulo.


In Brazil,up to the 70s Japanese cuisine was a cultural set “consumed” only by the nikkei community. But since the 80s,it has won the preference of nonnikkei Brazilians,especially from the middle and higher classes. There are currently over 600 Japanese restaurants in the city of São Paulo, and this number has already surpassed the number of barbecue restaurants. Why have the non-nikkei Brazilians get closer to this cuisine (sushi and sashimi for instance), which was once thought to be strange,exotic and even “uneatable”? This article tries to interpret this phenomenan from a sociological and anthropological perpective.






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Comment citer

As condições de aceitação da culinária japonesa na cidade de São Paulo - por que os brasileiros começaram a apreciar a culinária japonesa?. (2003). Estudos Japoneses, 23, 7-22.