Dicionários de James Curtius Hepburn e Wasaburô Ôtake: um pouco mais sobre os adjetivos


  • Eliza Atsuko Tashiro Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Mots-clés :

W. Ôtake, J. C. Hepburn, Dictionaries, Adjectives, Grammar


Continuing the study on the dictionaries of Wasaburô Ôtake (1872-1994), one of the Japanese who were in Brazil 28 years prior to the official start of Japanese Immigration, in this article, we present the analysis of grammatical issues in the first bilingual dictionaries that have the Japanese as the source language. We emphasized the treatment given by the authors to the class of words that are equivalent to adjectives. As we all know, the adjectives and verbs of Japanese, called respectively keiyôshi/keiyôdôshi and dôshi in the school grammar, have many morphological and syntactic features in common. In the dictionaries of this research – those of James Curtius Hepburn (1815-1911), published in 1867, 1872 and 1886, and the Wa po jiten (Ôtake 1925) – there are various morphological forms of these words, either as entry words, or within the articles. Both authors maintain the prevalence of the adnominal functions of keiyôshi and keiyôdôshi, but also provide the forms in the adverbial function. We conclude that although the dictionaries provide the data of the grammatical forms of partial way – because they presented the adnominal forms (which is the same as the final or predicative form) and adverbial ones –, they do consistently. It helps the user comprehend one of the more basic questions of Japanese morphology.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Eliza Atsuko Tashiro, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Docente do Curso de Letras da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo.






não definida

Comment citer

Dicionários de James Curtius Hepburn e Wasaburô Ôtake: um pouco mais sobre os adjetivos. (2016). Estudos Japoneses, 36, 10-28. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i36.127726