O contexto global do nacionalismo japonês contemporâneo


  • Ernani Oda Universidade de Kyoto




During the 1990s, when many thought the end of the cold war would lead to a new age of globalization, Japanese society actually began to see the rise of nationalist practices and discourses stressing historical revisionism and a renewed attachment to “traditional” symbols. Although most social theorists tend to intepret the rise of several nationalisms around the contemporary world as a form of resistance towards the instability caused by the new reality of globalization, the Japanese experience suggests that contemporary nationalism can also be created through the interaction with other countries and other nationalisms, thus incorporating and reproducing the very logic of globalization. In my analysis I focus on the debates put forward by some of the most significant authors of contemporary Japanese social theory, considering at the same time the concrete social processes and conflicts discussed in these debates.


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Cómo citar

O contexto global do nacionalismo japonês contemporâneo. (2009). Estudos Japoneses, 29, 45-60. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i29.143014