Mishima yukio e Sakabe Megumi: uma estética da perversão do pensamento tradicional japonês


  • Diogo César Porto da Silva




The japanese philosopher Sakabe Megumi analyzing the Yamato language build a structure of the traditional japanese thought called the omote structure. In his philosophy the japanese thought brings a implicit ontology of reciprocal and reversible masks and reflections which deny the identity fixation of the self and the other. The omote structure maximum expression is find in the No theater and ends at “ yugen” For Sakabe the traditional japanese thought implicitly carries an aesthetic ontology (or an ontological aesthetics). At Mishima Yukio’s novel Confessions of a Mask we find the omote structure in the creation of his aesthetics thought. However, the present narcissism at Mishima work perverts the traditional japanese thought revealing an Aesthetics of Perversion that refuses to bound itself in the japanese thought parameters, but at the same time don’t leaving completely the omote structure.


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How to Cite

Mishima yukio e Sakabe Megumi: uma estética da perversão do pensamento tradicional japonês. (2009). Estudos Japoneses, 29, 7-24. https://doi.org/10.11606/ej.v0i29.143011