Income differencial and intragroup inequalities for musicians in Belo Horizonte
Income differential, intragroup inequalities, surveyAbstract
One of the outstanding characteristics in the field of artistic work is the income differential and its inequalities. As the field is very heterogeneous, this paper intends to verify whether the differences and inequalities portrayed by the literature occur for musicians working in Belo Horizonte. Therefore, in February, March and April 2020, a survey was carried out to collect primary data in order to answer these questions, from the econometric and statistical application. The results suggest that the hypothesis of non-linearity between the level of education and income cannot be rejected, and personal characteristics were not significant in this analysis. Regarding intra-group inequalities, it appears that the greatest levels occur in some specific groups, such as musicians with exclusive dedication, age group 30 to 36 years and graduates in higher education in music.
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