Global warming impacts on Brazilian agriculture: estimates of the Ricardian model


  • Apurva Sanghi ABD University of Chicago
  • Denisard Alves Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
  • Robert Evenson Yale University
  • Robert Mendelsohn Yale University


Palabras clave:

global warming, Ricardian model, agriculture


This paper estimates the impact of climate change on agriculture in Brazil using the Ricardian approach. Our findings indicate that the net impact of climate change on Brazilian agriculture is negative, although there are varying regional consequences. March and September temperature and precipitation effects are positive, but are outweighed by the more negative December and June effects. The Center-West region is most negatively affected, whereas the South benefits mildly from warming.


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Cómo citar

Sanghi, A., Alves, D. ., Evenson, R. ., & Mendelsohn, R. . (1997). Global warming impacts on Brazilian agriculture: estimates of the Ricardian model. Economia Aplicada, 1(1), 7-33.