The water footprint of the Brazilian economy and the virtual water balance: an input-output analysis




input-output, water footprint, sectorial production, environment


The article evaluates, based on the construction of an ecological input-output model, the national water footprint and the virtual commercial
water balance in Brazil for 2015. It was found that the country’s water footprint reaches 22,012 hm3/year of water virtual, which is equivalent to a per capita consumption of 107.66 m3/year or 294.97 liters/day. In the trade balance, there was a net export balance of 8,542 hm3/year of virtual water, which supplies 79.33 million inhabitants worldwide each year, depending on the agricultural and agribusiness sectors. However, in the face of global water scarcity, in order to protect the environment in a sustainable way, it is necessary to create a formal virtual water market.


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Author Biography

  • Marco Antonio Montoya, Universidade de Passo Fundo

    Doutorado em Economia pela Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil (1998). Professor titular da Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Montoya, M. A. (2020). The water footprint of the Brazilian economy and the virtual water balance: an input-output analysis. Economia Aplicada, 24(2), 215-248.