Pesquisa de Emprego e Desemprego: trinta anos de acompanhamento do mercado de trabalho na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo


  • Lucia Garcia Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos
  • Leila Luiza Gonzaga Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados


The Employment and Unemployment Survey (PED), carried out by Fundação Seade and Dieese, was implemented in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo in October 1984 as an attempt to portray a complex and heterogeneous labor market, while simultaneously providing results that might be compared to international statistics. Its success is ascertained by its longevity as well as by the production of data consistent with regional socioeconomic reality. PED's relevance and capacity of investigation are reaffirmed by the new guidelines established in ICLS 2013 by ILO, which aim to incorporate concepts about the labor market similar to those already in use by PED. In PED's 30 years of history, the major changes observed in the Metropolitan Area labor market were: lower levels of the overall unemployment rate and its components; increasing female participation rates and decreasing youth participation rates; higher levels of formalization; greater variability in the economically active population; and lower gaps between the income of the richest and the poorest. The survey provides more indicators and variables.


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Work, Employment and Income

How to Cite

Garcia, L., & Gonzaga, L. L. (2014). Pesquisa de Emprego e Desemprego: trinta anos de acompanhamento do mercado de trabalho na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo . Estudos Avançados, 28(81), 127-140.