Obstáculos para a implementação governamental de dietas saudáveis com base científica e como superá-los


  • Dan L. Waitzberg Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina; Grupo de Nutrição Humana
  • Artemis P. Simopoulos Instituto de Saúde Nutrilite
  • Peter G. Bourne Universidade de St. George
  • Olle Faergeman Universidade de Aarhus; Departamento de Clínica Médica e Cardiologia


Nutrition programs and policies, Nutrition policy, Nutrition ecology, Public health nutrition


The Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People was science-based but policy-oriented. The role and amount of healthy and unhealthy nutrients in foods that may underlie the epidemics of non-communicable diseases worldwide was extensively discussed, with attention to the relative content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and also sugar, particularly fructose. The report concludes that sugar consumption, especially in the form of high energy fructose in soft drinks, poses a major and insidious health threat, and most diets are defficient in omega-3 fatty acids and too high in omega-6 fatty acids. The meeting established that: governments must elevate, as a matter of urgency, Nutrition to a national priority; access to a healthy diet should be considered a human right; and the lead responsibility for Nutrition should be placed in Ministries of Health rather than Agriculture so that the health requirements drive agricultural priorities, not vice versa.


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Nutrition and Poverty

How to Cite

Waitzberg, D. L., Simopoulos, A. P., Bourne, P. G., & Faergeman, O. (2013). Obstáculos para a implementação governamental de dietas saudáveis com base científica e como superá-los. Estudos Avançados, 27(78), 133-152. https://journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/68683