O nexo água, energia e alimentos no contexto da Metrópole Paulista


  • LEANDRO LUIZ GIATTI Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública
  • PEDRO ROBERTO JACOBI Universidade de São Paulo; Procam; Instituto de Energia e Ambiente
  • ANA KARINA MERLIN DO IMPERIO FAVARO Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública
  • VANESSA LUCENA EMPINOTTI Universidade Federal do ABC


Focused on a territorial cross-section of the macrometropolis of São Paulo, this text is a conceptual contribution and an assay of applications and problematization addressing the contingencies and interdependencies inherent to sustainable development that have led to the emergence of a nexus of compensations and/or possible synergies in the demand and supply of water, energy and food. We discuss the challenges involving the suitability of the nexus in terms of governance and spatial and temporal scales. The water scarcity of the São Paulo macrometropolitan region allows us to glimpse many challenging questions pertaining to the nexus. We conclude the article discussing the power of the nexus approach as a contribution to sustainable development, examining how its governance connects with a much-need perspective of reflexivity.


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Environmental dilemmas and the frontiers of knowledge I

How to Cite

GIATTI, L. L., JACOBI, P. R., FAVARO, A. K. M. D. I., & EMPINOTTI, V. L. (2016). O nexo água, energia e alimentos no contexto da Metrópole Paulista . Estudos Avançados, 30(88), 43-61. https://journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/124265