Situação de "Sítio"


  • Iumna Maria Simon Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas


Brazil´s literary scene was stirred in 2001 by the publication of the poem "Sítio", by Claudia Roquette-Pinto, who until then was considered an intimist poet, prone to metaphorization and locked up in her private and bourgeois world.. This essay aims to discuss how the poet could develop in that poem an understanding of the problem of fear and violence, without giving up her introspective imagery and her previous poetic experience, which is concentrated in a referentially scarce writing. The in-detail text analysis intends to register the poet´s convertion from the realm of opacity, lacunae and indetermination to the characterizing of the urban violence and emotional misery that aflicts the privileged ones. Thus our analysis seeks to combine the implications of Brazil´s present social-historical reality with the vulnerability of the poetry and the needs of the poetic self.


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Crítica de Poesia

How to Cite

Simon, I. M. (2015). Situação de "Sítio" . Estudos Avançados, 29(84), 335-351.