Water resources in the future: problems and solutions


  • José Galizia Tundisi Instituto Internacional de Ecologia


Water resources, Planning, Management, sustainability, Future actions


The present water crisis has many components of an environmental, economical and social origin: overuses of water, pollution, changes in availability, water mismanagement are some of the current problems. To cope with these problems and advance strategies for long term management, the following programs and approaches are presented: a) A watershed approach, integrating research, monitoring, data bank and management; b) An improved water governance system based on participation of stakeholders, public and private sector; c) Strategic studies considering water and economy, water and metropolitan areas, water and energy; d) A framework for international cooperation on shared watersheds; e) An economic evaluation of services of water resources (surface and underground, lakes, rivers and reservoirs). f) A capacity building program for managers, with an integrated, predictive and hydrographic basin approach.


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How to Cite

Tundisi, J. G. (2008). Water resources in the future: problems and solutions . Estudos Avançados, 22(63), 7-16. https://journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/10290