Experiences in food and nutrition policies


  • Semíramis Martins Álvares Domene Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas; Faculdade de Nutrição
  • Rosana Rodrigues Lemes Ota Secretaria Municiapal de Saúde de Diadema; Escola de Saúde
  • Eduardo Augusto Fernandes Nilson Ministério da Saúde; SAS; DAB
  • Miriam Izabel Simões Ollertz Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional
  • Tereza Toshiko Watanabe Sesi-SP; Diretoria de Alimentação
  • Paulo Rogério Gallo Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública


Nutritional policy, Hunger, Undernutrition, Interdisciplinary approach


Strategies to face hunger and undernutrition have been directly associated to actions to prevent bad nutrition effects, mainly chronic diseases and obesity. This complex epidemiological scenario requires initiative of medium and long-term projects, with simultaneously immediate and creative measures for emergency situations when no food is available. Among proposals initiated by the public and private sectors, by Universities and by non-governmental organizations, it is common to observe ineffectiveness, despite the commitment and integrity of the proponents, leading to harmful consequences to both community and the initiative. This paper contains reports of some well-succeeded experiences, including elements for analyzing the main problems common to food and nutrition sectors policy and ways of overcoming them. This work was produced by researchers, public policy makers and technicians as a result of the interdisciplinary workshop they attended in 2005. Offered by the Nutrition and Poverty Study Group of Advanced Studies Institute, São Paulo University, its goal was to subsidize the improvement of public policies in the area.


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Food and Education II

How to Cite

Domene, S. M. Álvares, Ota, R. R. L., Nilson, E. A. F., Ollertz, M. I. S., Watanabe, T. T., & Gallo, P. R. (2007). Experiences in food and nutrition policies . Estudos Avançados, 21(60), 161-178. https://journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/10246