The origin of the universe


  • João E. Steiner USP; Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas


Universe, Cosmology, History of astronomy, Big Bang


THE VARIOUS cosmological models along history are briefly reviewed. The evolution of the ideas may be understood as successive models such as the flat earth, the geocentric models as well as the heliocentric and the galacto-centric ones. In the last century, a concept was developed, the big-bang theory, that describes the most sophisticated observations on hand today and shows that the universe had an origin that can be search with scientific methods. In recent decades this model was refined to a new concept: inflation. By the end of the century and millenium new discoveries showed that all known matter is only the tip of the iceberg in a universe dominated by dark energy and dark matter whose natures remain mysterious.


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Origin of the Universe and of Humankind

How to Cite

Steiner, J. E. (2006). The origin of the universe . Estudos Avançados, 20(58), 231-248.