Por uma política pública nacional de acesso à Justiça


  • Virgínia Feix


This article supports the formulation of a national public policy for the access to justice based on the state and civil society partnership, aiming to face the existent citizenship deficit related to the lack of information and consciousness of the entitlement of rights by the majority of our population. The proposal's objective is to overcome the limitations resulted of three institutions of the liberal state that influenced on avoiding the recognition of social diversity, which is a necessary condition for the implementation of everyone's rights by an ethic state: the formal equality, the representative democracy based at the majority rule and the dichotomy between public and private law.


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Judicial Reform

How to Cite

Feix, V. (2004). Por uma política pública nacional de acesso à Justiça . Estudos Avançados, 18(51), 219-224. https://journals.usp.br/eav/article/view/10010