Algumas memórias do cinema cubano mais polêmico


  • Joel del Río


Cuban cinema, Icaic, Polemics, Criticism, History, Culture


Since the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (Icaic) was founded in 1959, a series of films have been made that highlighted social polemics and lashed out against the errors of socialism in Cuba. This essay intends to analyze the main vectors of thought that underlay some of these controversial films (both documentaries and fiction), in particular their character of being faithful mirrors of reality. It also attempts to show the vertical commitment to reality and its everyday dilemmas that characterize the best Cuban films - that is to say, the most controversial Cuban films -, which are supported by institutional policies that consistently nurture the artistic and social relevance of a non-conformist cinema that criticizes, questions and is intimately committed to the collective quest for a more just, egalitarian and humanistic society. From PM to Fresa y chocolate, Un día de noviembre and Papeles secundarios, the essay strives to interpret the nuances of each controversy, while describing the contributions of such films to the medullar energy of the Cuban culture.


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Dossiê Cuba

How to Cite

Río, J. del. (2011). Algumas memórias do cinema cubano mais polêmico . Estudos Avançados, 25(72), 145-159.