Energy policies in Brazil


  • José Goldemberg
  • José Roberto Moreira


Energy Planning, Sustainable Development, New and Renewable Sources, Natural Gas, Public Policies


ENERGY is an essential ingredient to life in modern society. The expansion of Brazil's energy infrastructure, both for production and consumption, will demand large investments. This, in turn, requires government planning of energy-related activities, which are usually implemented by the private sector. This presence is essential for: 1. Fulfilling society's demand for more and better energy services; 2. Stimulating participation in sustainable and enduring energy sources; 3. Prioritizing efficient energy use in order to disengage capital for more productive areas of the economy and to preserve the environment; 4. Using investment in energy as a source of jobs and a stimulus to domestic industries; 5. Incorporating foreign inputs into the energy portfolio when it is commercially and socially advantageous for Brazil - including the exportation of energy products and services; and 6. Generating energy from various sources to reduce the risk of eventual shortages, in keeping with the country's available energy reserves.


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Energy Affairs

How to Cite

Goldemberg, J., & Moreira, J. R. (2005). Energy policies in Brazil . Estudos Avançados, 19(55), 215-228.