Call for papers nº 27 — Women’s writings


The writings of female authors constitute ways which do not bifurcate into binarisms nor dichotomies. Different from that, such texts provide horizontality, and plurality in terms of perspectives towards them – be it visual, written, oral or sonorous. When revealing stories which are muffled, ignored or questioned, those texts make a contribution to the development of cross-section studies regarding the historiography of canonical texts that have been built for a long time by white men. In the past, in order to subvert literary criticism, one was guided by the attempt to deconstruct literary canon, today criticism focuses on its diversity. Thus, we can identify movements in the present time which are stimulating readings of female authors not only in big metropolises but also in many, and possible peripheries of the planet. Virginia Woolf considered that women needed a room of their own, and some income so they would be able to write. On the other hand, Gloria Anzaldúa contests the view of bourgeois feminism in the text “Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to 3rd World Women Writers”, where she says that one should write even without the ways and means to do it. “Forget the room of one’s own – write in the kitchen, lock yourself up in the bathroom. Write on the bus or the welfare line, on the job or during meals, between sleeping or waking. I write while sitting on the john”. If we consider Judith Butler’s gender problematization, the debates about gender as performance, they will result in a broader perspective towards the studies on plurality of being a woman including different diversities. Historically speaking women have always been seen under an essentialist perspective, but different from those assumptions made in the past, women today are resisting against the structural oppression of the patriarchy by having in mind a plural and diverse perspective. For the fact that the process of being woman is built in the articulation with other social experiences. Because of this, it is unacceptable the attempt to fuse many voices, and struggles into one single homogeneous discourse which is properly capable of portraying the existence of many women. So, following the changes along these last decades in feminist thinking, we aim to discuss about spaces, speeches and voices considering past and present writings. The question which is still open revolves around the request made by Rosario Castellanos, “there should be another way of being human and free / another way of being”.



- Plural feminisms and intersectionality;

- Black feminism and decolonial feminism;

- Transfeminism;

- Self-representation in women’s writing;

- Poetry and slams;

- Oral literature;

- Body language;

- Literature and resistance;

- Literature and trauma: rape, sexual abuse, feminicide, prostitution.

Proposals are to be sent through the website considering the journal’s norms until 30th June 2020.

The journal accepts papers in Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.