Rural female workers in the struggle in defense of land and life




Women, Ethnography, Education, Communication and audiovisual, Social psychology


This article presents aspects of a study carried out with ten women involved in the struggle for land in the state of Rondônia. They were chosen from three rural social movements. This article reports the experience with the ethnographic method, using an audiovisual resource in a research in the field of social psychology, dealing with the elaboration and use of the ethnographic documentary as an important tool for the approach of these dynamics involving social groups with the firm objective of confronting certain segments for the common benefit. The idea that guided the text was based on everyday life and non-formal education, in addition to the set of memories related to female participation in labor, in the struggle and permanence in land, and the role of communication – more specifically, in the production and realization
of an audiovisual piece edited as an ethnographic documentary – with theoretical foundations in social psychology and reflections on ruralities and social struggles in the Amazon. The initial proposal that led to the immersion in the ethnographic field was the making of the video Rural workers in the struggle in defense of land and life, which narrates the trajectory of these militants in the struggle for land in the state of Rondônia, considering that the production and realization of this video is in the perspective of showing an important stage, with audiovisual as a methodology for ethnographic research in social psychology. The documentary can be used dynamically and as an important support approach in research in this discipline.


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How to Cite

Rural female workers in the struggle in defense of land and life. (2022). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 25, e-163364.