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Author Guidelines

1) The article will be evaluated according to criteria of form and content, such as: adequate and correct use of language, clarity, adequate articulation of ideas and solidity of arguments; originality, coherent and sufficient use of supporting literature (theoretical, thematic, methodological). In the case of articles resulting from empirical research, the method must be clearly described; the findings must be solid and robust, be articulated to the objectives of the article, be the subject of consistent interpretation/analysis and in dialogue with an adequate theoretical framework.
2) Manuscripts must be sent through the online submission system of this portal. For the manuscript to be considered for publication, it must be an unpublished work and not simultaneously submitted to another journal for publication. All authors must agree with the submission.
3) Authors' names, e-mails, ORCIDs, and institutional affiliations are separate pieces of information provided at the time of electronic submission, and should not be included in the manuscript.
4) At the time of submission, the authors must inform if there are any conflicts of interest related to the submitted manuscript.
5) Authors must inform, when applicable, the financing sources of the submitted work.
6) The submission of the manuscript implies the immediate and free of charge assignment to Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho of the first publication rights. The authors will continue to hold the copyright for subsequent publications and, in this case, the first publication in this journal should be mentioned.
7) The manuscript should be written in Portuguese or Spanish. The file should be formatted as follows: A4 paper format, Times New Roman font, size 12, normal style in all paragraphs, 1.5 spacing, 2 centimeter margins, no page or section breaks. Titles should be in boldface. Subtitles should be in italics. Both should only have the first letter capitalized (do not use capital letters in the text). The complete manuscript (including footnotes and references) may not exceed 55 thousand characters, and in the case of reviews, up to 20 thousand characters (in both cases counting spaces). It must be in a single file, in a format compatible with Word text editors, preferably docx.
8) The file must contain the title in the original language and in English, the abstract, keywords and key words. In the case of articles in Spanish, titles and abstracts must be provided in the original language, in Portuguese, and in English.
9) The abstract, with up to 1200 characters (including spaces), should be presented in a single paragraph and should include: objectives, method (when applicable), results and conclusions. The abstract must correspond to the original language version. In case of book reviews and interviews, abstracts are not necessary.
10) The set of keywords should reflect the content of the text and gather three to six expressions. The same applies to keywords.
11) References must follow the pattern of the last edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) norms.
12) Notes in the body of the text should be indicated with sequential numbers, immediately after the phrase to which they refer. The notes must be presented in the footnote of the same page.
13) After initial editorial evaluation, at the discretion of the editors, the manuscript will be sent for evaluation by ad hoc consultants, chosen from among researchers of recognized competence in the field. Two consultants are indicated, but, eventually, a third one may be called. The consultants will not have access to the authors' names and vice-versa. Authors will be notified of acceptance, refusal, or of the need for changes to the text.
14) Minor corrections can be made by the editors, as long as they do not alter the content of the manuscript and the authors' intentions. However, the responsibility for proofreading the text and its correction from the orthographic and grammatical point of view will be the responsibility of the authors, under the risk of the publication being refused until the due corrections are made.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.