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Author Guidelines


(Updated 22/04/2020)

The material should be formatted in MS Word, A4 format, margins 2.5 cm, justified alignment, 1.5 space between lines, first line without tab, one line spacing between paragraphs, and font Arial 12 (except where otherwise indicated). Images should be sent separately, according to the specifications listed in item 4, and their position in the text should be indicated by inserting Figure Xat the proper places. 
articles: between 30,000 and 60,000 characters (with spaces) 
reviews, news and interviews: between 10,000 and 25,000 characters (with spaces) 
Translations should be accompanied by the original author´s authorization.
If the research work has been financially supported by any institution, this information should be mentioned at the beginning of the text, one line below the author’s name;
The article must meet the standards of ABNT NBR 6022/2003 (Information and documentation – Article in scientific periodical publication –Presentation) and NBR 10520/2002 (Information and documentation – Quotation – Presentation) as follows:

Title / subtitle: Font - Arial 12, bold. 
Name (s) of author (s): Must be accompanied by graduation, degrees, institutional affiliation and e-mail, font - Arial 10. 
Note: Indicate if the article is a translation and if it had financial support from any institution.

(2.5 cm margins, justified alignment, paper size A4) 
Title: Font Arial 12, bold, flush left, line spacing 1.5; only the first letter should be capital. 
Abstract: Should contain concise and factual sentences not exceeding 250 words (according to NBR 6023/2002 standard), font Arial 12, line spacing 1.5, no paragraph tab in the first line, justified alignment, one line spacing between paragraphs; 
Keywords: 3 words, font - Arial 12, line spacing 1.5;
Text: Font Arial 12 (except in quotations over three lines), line spacing 1.5, no paragraph tab in the first line, justified alignment, one line spacing between paragraphs; 
Notes and Bibliography: Should be placed at the end of the text, font  Arial 9, line spacing 1.5, no paragraph tab in the first line, justified alignment, one line spacing between paragraphs.

(2.5 cm margins, justified alignment, paper size A4) 
Title: font Arial 12, bold, flush left, line spacing 1.5, only the first letter should be capital.
Text: Font Arial 12 (except in quotations over three lines), line spacing  1.5, space between paragraphs 6 pts.,  justified alignment  
Notes and Bibliography: should be placed at the end of the text, font  Arial 9, line spacing 1.5, no paragraph tab in the first line, justified alignment, one line spacing between paragraphs.


The text should follow NBR 6024/ 2002 (Information and documentation – Numbering of progressive sections on a written document – Presentation). Text divisions should be numbered with Arabic numerals. After indication of section or title, no signal or graphic resource should be used.

2 USP Campuses 
2.1 Heritage and city

Should follow the standard NBR 10520 / 2002 (Information and documentation - Quotes in documents - Presentation).
The direct or indirect quotations in the text should follow the author-date system (quoted texts must appear in the bibliographic references); 
Quotations of more than three lines should be in Arial 10, 1.5 spacing, with quotation marks.

The campus of the University of São Paulo in Bauru is located in the urban area, in a residential neighborhood of the southeastern part of the city, occupying an area of 156.850 m², of which approximately 47.475 m² are built (SANTOS, 1997, p. 122). 
We today experience the overabundance of space, that is, we are losing the notion of space, where the history of those who inhabit it is deeply imbricated. Thus, new cultural forms arise “because we live in a world which we still haven’t learned to look. When territorial borders are erased, cultural borders are also erased. We must learn again how to think space” (AUGÉ, 1994, p. 38). 
With the expansion of the campus due to the creation of other teaching units and the expansion of the very Medicine unit,
“[…] the buildings multiplied: pavilions and buildings for the faculties of Philosophy, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nurse School. Of this period, the Clinic Hospital is the building which caused the greatest interference to the harmony of the complex – the huge, eleven-floor teaching hospital that serves the whole region -; being implanted right behind the Main Building, it has irreparably broken the visual perspective created in the original project.” (CONDEPHAAT, 1986, p. 34)

Notes should be explanatory only and should be made in Arabic numerals. Font Arial 9.


Should follow the standard NBR 6023 / 2018 (Information and documentation - References - Elaboration).

It is noteworthy that the references should be listed at the end of the work. Font: Arial 9.

At the end of the reference include the DOI identifier (if any) and information regarding the physical description of the electronic medium (Online and others).Where necessary, additional elements are added to the reference to better identify the document.


SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle normal. Translation, edition, place of publication: Publisher, year. 

LUCK, Heloisa. Liderança em gestão escolar. 4. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010. (Cadernos de gestão, v. 4).

BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Globalização: as consequências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1999.

(Book chapter)
SURNAME, Name of the author of the chapter. Title: subtitle of the chapter. In: SURNAME, Name of the author of the book (form of participation, Org. (s), Ed. (s) etc.. if any). Book title in bold: subtitle. Place of publication: Publisher, year, p. X-X.
ZERNER, Henri. A arte. In: LE GOFF, Jacques; NORA, Pierre (dir.). História: novas abordagens. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1995, p. 144-159.

(Scientific periodical article)
SURNAME, Name. Article title normal: subtitle normal. Name of journal in bold, volume, number or issue, p. X-X., Abbreviated month, year.
SAMPAIO, Maria Ruth Amaral de. O papel da iniciativa privada na formação da periferia paulistana. Espaço & Debates: Revista de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos, São Paulo, v. 14, n. 37, p. 19-33, 1994.

(Electronic scientific periodical article)
LANNA, Ana Lúcia Duarte; PRATA, Juliana Mendes. O CPC- USP e a Casa de Dona Yayá: questões de gestão de um patrimônio cultural. Revista CPC, São Paulo, n. 1, p. 6-15, abr. 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2015.

(Dissertation or thesis)
SURNAME, Name. Title in bold: subtitle normal. (Date of defense. Total of pages.) Thesis (Ph.D.) or Dissertation (MA) - Institution, Local of Defense, date of defense.
BRITO, Mônica Silveira.  A participação da iniciativa privada na produção do espaço urbano: São Paulo, 1890- 1911. 2000. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2000.

NAME OF THE EVENT. Numbering, year, location. Title of document. Complementary data to the publication.

CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DO INES, 8.; SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO INES, 14., 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos, 2009. 160 p. Tema: Múltiplos Atores e Saberes na Educação de Surdos.

CONGRESSO DO CENTRO-OESTE DE CLÍNICOS VETERINÁRIOS DE PEQUENOS ANIMAIS, 3.; FEIRA DO CENTRO-OESTE DO MERCADO PET, 3., 2006, [Brasília, DF]. [Trabalhos científicos e casos clínicos]. Ciência Animal Brasileira. Goiânia: UFG, nov. 2006. Suplemento 1.

(Electronic publication)
SURNAME, Name. Title: subtitle normal. Site name, year. Available at: Date of access.

PODCAST LXX: Brasil: parte 3: a república. [Locução de]: Christian Gutner. [S. I.]: Escriba Café, 19 mar. 2010. Podcast. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 out. 2010.

DIRETOR do SciELO, Abel Packer, apresenta hoje palestra na 4ª edição dos Simpósios Temáticos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química da UFMG. [São Paulo], 27 fev. 2015. Twitter: @redescielo. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 mar.2015

CID, Rodrigo. Deus: argumentos da impossibilidade e da incompatibilidade. In: CARVALHO, Mário Augusto Queiroz et al. Blog investigação filosófica. Rio de Janeiro, 23 abr. 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em:23 ago. 2011.

BAVARESCO, Agemir; BARBOSA, Evandro; ETCHEVERRY, Katia Martin (org.). Projetos de filosofia. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2011. E-book (213 p.) (Coleção Filosofia). Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 ago. 2011.

A maximum of 10 images will be accepted in jpg format with a minimum width of 400 pixels (headroom) and a minimum resolution of 200dpi, RGB mode. Their denomination and number should follow the order they appear in the text. It is the author(s)´ responsibility to send the corresponding captions and credits in .doc file separate from the article, in the following format: 
FIGURE N - text in Verdana size 9. Source: ... / Photo: ... / Drawing: ... / Photographic reproduction: …
When the source of the image is a publication, its caption must indicate the bibliographic reference.


CESAR, A. M. A bala e a mitra. Recife: Bagaço, 1994.

UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO. Guia de museus brasileiros. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2008.

FIGURA 9. Busto em homenagem a Antônio Francisco de Paula Souza. LOURENÇO, Maria Cecília França (org). Homenagem aos mestres: esculturas na USP. São Paulo: Edusp; Imprensa Oficial, 2002, p. 51. Fotografia: Ângela Garcia.

The responsibility for the reproduction of images is strictly restricted to the author of the article.


Article submissions will undergo evaluation by the editorial board and experts, granted the authenticity of the work.

The journal reserves itself the right to adjust all submissions to its editorial project, following the calendar proposed by the editorial board.


Note: The CPC Journal is not responsible for the writing or the opinions issued by article authors. 





Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Cultural Heritage

Divulga os resultados de pesquisas originais que ainda não foram publicados em outro periódico.  


Resenhas críticas de livros publicados no período de até dois anos sobre assuntos realcionados ao tema patrimônio cultural.

Reviews, News and Testimony

Relatos de programas, projetos e eventos sobre patrimônio cultural;  entrevistas e depoimentos de personalidades de destaque na área do patromônio cultural.


Artigos de autores convidados sobre temas específicos ou eventos realizados pelo CPC.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.