About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Clause 1- The CPC Journal is the scientific periodical of the Cultural Preservation Center of University of São Paulo. The publication aims at fostering an academic and scientific debate about preservation of cultural heritage in its manifold aspects.

Clause 2- The publication is biannual and has an electronic format.

Clause 3- The publication has 4 sections:

1. Cultural Heritage
2. Collections 
3. Conservation and restoration
4. Reviews, News and Testimonies

Clause 4- The publication has an Editorial Board composed of  the CPC Director (publisher), a former CPC Director, one member of CPC council, one professor from the University of Sao Paulo and one member from CPC staff. Its purpose is to define the journal's editorial policy and to manage, implement, and execute the production of the magazine.

Clause 5 - The periodical also has an Advisory Board, composed of national and international experts in the area.

Clause 6 - All published material must be previously reviewed and approved by a specialist in the area from the Editorial Board, from the Advisory Board or ad hoc.

* Extracted from Draft Rules of Procedure

Publication Frequency


Information Services

USP Website.


The restrictions to use and respect for intellectual property are in accordance with the policy of the  Scientific Periodicals Website of the University of São Paulo.


Program of Support of  USP Scientific Periodicals - Accreditation Commission.