The Spinozist feminism of Marilena Chaui: Espinosa against the Amazons or the counterhypothesis


  • Henrique Piccinato Xavier Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Marilena Chaui, Baruch Spinoza, Feminism, Democracy, Political Treatise


Considering one of the first texts published by Marilena Chaui, the “Terceira margem. Notas para um rodapé selvagem” from 1976, which inaugurates her reflection on the political status of women and, at the same time, develops her first ideas that would become Nervura do real (her main work on Spinoza), our essay inquires about the possibility of a Spinozist feminism operating in Chaui’s works. To accomplish this, we aim to give an account of how the aforementioned text from 1976 addresses the apparent hypothesis of the rejection of women’s participation in a democracy in Spinoza’s Political Treatise of 1677, this rejection being a problem faced by the main contemporary feminists who call upon Spinoza’s philosophy to base their ideas and struggles. Taking this last consideration into account and the fact that in Brazil the relations between feminism and Spinoza are still rare (something different from what happens internationally), our essay presents an appendix containing the mapping of the main works, authors, and approaches considered today as Spinozist feminism.


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Author Biography

  • Henrique Piccinato Xavier, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Doutor em Filosofia pelo Departamento de Filosofia da FFLCH-USP.


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How to Cite

The Spinozist feminism of Marilena Chaui: Espinosa against the Amazons or the counterhypothesis. (2021). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 39(2), 278-295.