Thetheoretical interestand thepractical interestof the Kantian ideaofhistory as progress


  • João Tescaro Junior


Kant–philosophy of history–theoretical interest–practical interest–progress


Theobjective of this workis to understand thetheoretical and practicalinterestsof the Kantian ideaofhistory as progress. In thisstep, we intend to examine how thetheoretical interestof reasonrelates tothe Kant's philosophy of history and how itdiffers from thetheoretical interestof objective knowledge,in the form ofheuristic-regulative ideas. Against those whodo not admitthetheoretical interestsinKant's philosophy of history, we intend to defendnot onlytheir occurrence, but alsotheir needwhen taking intoconsideration thehorizons ofpractical interestcontainedin the idea ofhistorical progress. With­ that, we move on to study the convergence of theoretical and practical interests in Kantian idea of history and how Kant investigates the factual elements of the history searching some empirical engines to guide the human progress.


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How to Cite

Tescaro Junior, J. (2013). Thetheoretical interestand thepractical interestof the Kantian ideaofhistory as progress. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 1(22), 35-52.