Disputing Paradigms? Debate between Butler, Benhabib and Fraser
Performativity, Post-structuralism, Critical theory, Emancipation, FeminismAbstract
This paper revisits a debate in the feminist theory of the 90s between the theorists Judith Butler, Seyla Benhabib and Nancy Fraser present in the collection Feminist Contentions. The central objective is to understand the political position of each author in relation to the possibilities – or not – of a subject for feminism, which would point the way to think about emancipation – as Benhabib indicates – or subversion – as Butler indicates. The article starts with the exposition of Butler's theory of gender performativity and with Benhabib’s thought about the situated self; later we present the political dispute between the authors; finally, from Fraser’s reading, we bring an attempt to reconcile the paradigms that each author works with.
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