Freedom as a self-moving power in Émilie Du Châtelet: early reflections


  • Natalia Zorrilla Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn



Émilie Du Châtelet, Liberty, De la liberté, Eighteenth Century, Fatalisme, Enlightenment


The aim of this article is to examine continuities and discontinuities between Émilie Du Châtelet’s essay De la liberté, her correspondence, and her Institutions de physique regarding the topic of liberty as a self-moving power. I argue that certain philosophical problems that she considers in De la liberté and in her letters are resolved (or dissolved) in her Institutions de physique, namely: 1. the alleged contradiction between the idea of a self-moving power and the conservation of the quantity of force in the universe, and 2. the alleged lack of guarantee of the veraciousness of our cognitive faculties (through which we perceive our liberty).


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Author Biography

  • Natalia Zorrilla, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn

    Becaria postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn - Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Investigadora asociada del Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas (CIF), Argentina.



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How to Cite

Zorrilla, N. (2021). Freedom as a self-moving power in Émilie Du Châtelet: early reflections. Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 1(38), 37-53.