The Responsiveness os the Body Itself and the practical Rationality of the I can
embodiment, responsiveness, ethics, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, WaldenfelsAbstract
Would Waldenfels’ responsiveness be an effective continuity to support the ethics founded on Merleau-Ponty? Would be possible to possible the construction of an ethics that would be irreducible to differences without making the Husserlian transcendental Self something absolute? These are some of the questions that make up the present text, in which the importance of the self body will be approached in the intertwining between the I and the other, between what is proper and what is improper, in the search to elucidate a possible responsive ethics emerged from Lebenswelt's sensitive experience that awakens the practical rationality of the I can.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Josiana Hadlich de Oliveira
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